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Book Outlining 


"I have such a great idea for a book...but how the heck do I write it?"

Have you been staring at a blank Word document in vain, knowing you have a great book inside you but have no idea how to get it on paper? Have you written a few chapters but then run out of steam, not sure why it's not working or where to go next?

Maybe you have a wonderful idea for a fiction book, but just don't know where to start. You have characters, and a setting...but the plot just isn't coming to you. Or maybe you have a plot, but the characters feel flat. 

Alternatively, maybe you have a great idea for a nonfiction book--you have all the information, but you don't know how to organize it into a book people will enjoy and get something out of.

If you relate to one of these statements, our outlining service is for you! 

Is an outline really necessary?

  • Some writers write without an outline, but most authors find a guide to be extremely helpful as they write.

  • Knowing where you're going and what to write in each chapter is one of the best antidotes to writer's block.

  • Having a professional help you can start your book off on the right foot--this means less editing in the future, and more confidence in the present!

What does a Wandering Words Media Outline include?

Send us what you have over email. For fiction, this might be your kick-butt character, a funky setting, or the beginnings of a plot. For nonfiction, this would mean your idea and any information you want to get across to your reader.


We will then ask some clarifying questions, as well as go over aspects you definitely do or don't want in the book (i.e., "I definitely want the main character to fall in love with the villain by the end," or, "Whatever you do, I don't want a cliffhanger ending." For nonfiction, you might say, "I definitely want action steps at the end of each chapter; I definitely don't want to go too deeply into XYZ." 


Once we have your info, we will work to create a unique plot outline to jumpstart your writing. We will take your idea and create a fully fleshed-out path toward success--AKA, a completed draft!

Our outlines are very detailed (usually between 2000 to 6000 words per book) and include a full plot from beginning to end, written in a chapter-by-chapter format.


Samples available upon request.

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